Level 4- Advanced Crypto Strategies - UNLOCKED

Level 4 - Advanced Strategies in Earning More With Crushing It With Crypto

Welcome to the Level 4 of Crushing It With Crypto where you have access to more advanced videos on the programs in Level 3.  Strategies that you can use to build your FREE Crypto portfolio and also inside information on how the sites work and best functions to use.


COIN APP - XYO: What exactly is it?  See video below.

If you have not downloaded the app yet CLICK HERE and install for FREE


ADDITIONAL TRAINING: If you scroll down to the bottom of this page you will be able to join my Youtube channel where you will have access to more XYO training, such as using the wallet within the system, redeeming and also converting your XYO into USD.


All of the below videos were put together to show you how easy it is to accumulate Crypto using a very renowned Faucet.  There are a few of these on the Internet but this one in particular pays out the same day when you hit the trigger amount which can be $10 or $25 depending which level you are at.  It is highly recommended that once you watch these videos and understand how the site works then try and keep the momentum and use the site everyday to start ranking yourself through the levels.  The higher you level up the more you will earn in the AutoFaucet. 

REMEMEBER: Consistency and momentum is the key and once you see this site in action you won't want to stop!!

TOP TIP: There is a happy hour every weekend @ 2pm GMT where you will earn an extra 50% from the auto faucet - This is definetely worth setting your alarm for and leaving your device on and running for one hour.

VIDEO 1: Firefaucet How to complete the offers in FireFaucet - Check out the video HERE

VIDEO 2: How to Withdraw from FireFaucet into your wallet of choice - Check out the video HERE


An amazing platform which attracts all Crypto users as you can use this to build a list, to make TRX online or use it for the free advertising that it has to offer.  The below videos show you how and exactly yoiu can earn with the is platform with consistant effort.  These videos were also recorded in 3 days straight to show you how quickly you could acheive success with this platform.

I highly recommend once joining this platform, taking advantage of the free advertising packages which are available when you work through the downline builder.  Once you join more and more programs you will get 1000's upon 1000's of free ads which you can use to promote your Simple Crypto Income System.

To see the site again visit: CRYPTO TEAM BUILD:

So, by now you should be seeing that Level 4 is jam packed with so much information and live video proof of results.  This course is a first of its kind and it shows you exactly how to build/earn/accumulate crypto is a short space of time. 

TIP: Like with all ventures online you do need to be consistant and there is a MUST to build momentum in any program that you are promoting.  Its about excitement, getting others to join in and showing them that it can be acheived.  There are lot of people online who simply grab, grab and do not help.  I would like to recommend that you help and guide others into acheiving their goals.  Once you are able to start coaching people/your teams and helping them you will find so much more benfefits in Internet marketing and your own success will happening naturally.

If you haven't already ordered your FREE Emrit device click HERE to order ASAP.  This device is incredible as you will earn free crypto just by having this in your windowsill. 

The main website is also very useful @ https://emrit.io/

This site will also help to guide you through setting up your device and helium wallet.

COINTIPLY: Use in the same way as FIREFAUCET - Complete offers, use the free faucet, play the games and most importantly keep referring people to the site

SWEATCOIN: Download the app HERE

All you need to do with this app is walk or jog and you will earn sweatcoin.  The app and sweatcoin will send you emails on how to set up the sweatcoin wallet where it automatically deposits SWEAT.  The site is very informative and the app has the leading technologies to help you get this set up in minutes.  Well worth using this daily.  I use this app for walking and donating my energy and steps to charity to help the planet. 

BONUS 1: Below you now have access to the CRYPTO LIST BUILDER EXTREME Blog where there is 12 months of posts all related to Crypto Affiliate marketing where you can read, watch, learn and test more strategies using the examples and sites.  Feel free to use and share this information.  ENJOY


Of Course you do!!!  Click the links below to use the exact I use everyday to get referrals to all of the Crypto Programs in this course.

CLICK HERE for your high traffic sites: All FREE to join

You have just completed Level 4 of Crushing It With Crypto

Click the link below to find out how you could benefit from a 60 minute 121 session of this course.

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