Level 2 - Advanced Strategies in Earning More With Crushing It With Crypto
Hi, and Welcome to the Advanced section of the training where you will see more videos on the programs in Level 1. Strategies that you can use to build your FREE Crypto portfolio and also inside information on how the sites work and best functions to use.
This Level 2 training includes:
Over 30 minutes of Information, Footage and Strategies which when used correctly will build upon itself daily PLUS other special gifts to help boost your crypto and referrals online.
CRYPTOTAB x 2 Videos Below - Simply watch the videos, you should have downloaded the software in the previous section. (If not click HERE to download the software.)
Use on your mobiles, desktops, laptops and other devices to mine FREE BTC. Also keep referring people to use the system - This will generate BTC income on autopilot throughout the day.
You can check your earnings daily by using the CryptoTab system/apps on your mobile phone - Available on app or Android HERE
Below there are videos including all walkthroughs to the sites in the Simple Crypto Income Plan.
I have included a full length BONUS video explaing the whole system and other information which will give you more on an insite to the course and features.
With this you also have a free download on how to stay safe with Crypto which was put together by DEFI to protect people from making the wrong judgements about crypto sites and with the aim to educate more people on scam sites.
Ths is called the DEFI security handbook: (This is at the bottom of the page).
I have added 5 of the best sites I use to promote affiliate links for this system which you can join free of charge.
This is by way of a thank you for purchasing this course and also a congratulations for getting to this Level. These sites are at the bottom of this page.
VIDEO 1 - Check out the Video (HERE) to see why you should be using CryptoTab daily
The below video walkthrough shows you how the site auto generates free BTC whilst using the app on your phone which you should have downloaded from the previous section. You will gain satoshis hourly rolling the faucet on your phone. I also explain about how you can use the reward points from your rolls and add more percentages to your crypto accumulation. This then leads into the fun token bonus and the IMPORTANCE of referrals. ENJOY!
The video below explains how LeadsLeap can be used. I go into detail on how you can use this site for advertising your own links. There is the option to use your Simple Crypto Income Plan Site which has all your affiliate links on to promote using track links which are the flashing red and yellow promo links on each site you promote which can also be used with PPC so you earn more through Leadsleap
Below are examples of the LeadsLeap ads. Try clicking them to gain more knowledge on the sites you can promote using this system.
Find out the most used altcoins on the planet with THE GREAT RESET and to hear Gaz Coopers breakdown on how Crypto is changing the daily world click the link below to be taken directly to the site
TOP 5 SITES to use to gain more referrals
Below are the TOP 5 Sites I use daily to gain more referrals to the Simple Crypto Income System. You can click each link below which will take you directly to each site and also these links are designed to give you added FREE advertising credits when you join up.
SITE 1: ADCHIEVER - Gain tons of FREE Advertsing Credits with this link
SITE 2: CRYPTOTEAMBUILD - 10's of 1000's of Advertsiing Credits in the left hand colomn. Includes banners, login ads and also tons of FREE advertsing in the downline builder
SITE 3: INSTANT BITCOIN PROFITS - FREE banners and login ads
SITE 4: THE CRYPTO MAILER - Tons of credits each month to a Crypto Audience - SOLO ADS are very good
SITE 5: CRYPTOFLOWS - Great advertising packages to send to whole networks of Crypto enthusiasts.
How to Identify and Avoid Scams, Hacks and Other Risks in Malicious Projects and Vulnerable Smart Contracts
You have just completed Level 2 of Crushing It With Crypto
Click the link below to progress to Level 3