Introducing: ALL of the FREE Traffic methods I use daily - Please bear in mind due to the volume of emails on these sites it is best to set up a seperate gmail account and when joining use the gmail account as you will start to receive many safelist emails from each site which you do not want to take over your own main personal email address.
FIRST: Please take the time to work through the QUICKFUNNELS training as shown in Day One. This may take a while. But the key is to learn from all the training videos and learn how the landing pages and funnels work. All is explained in the training on the site. You can either promote the Quickfunnels affiliate referral link or you can use the pre-designed landing pages. There is also an option for you to create your own landing pages. All these points are important in ensuring you have the knowledge to follow all of the steps on the 5 day training.
When you have finished watching the daily traffic routine video visit the sites below to get your Promo Codes
CLICK HERE to Join TrafficZipper and learn how to automate your emails to over 20 high traffic sites
Visit: to gain access to the sites you should be promoting on every 24-48 hours
(These are all FREE to use and each link contains free ads for joining) Keep it consistant and use these constantly. If you upgrade in any of these sites you will get huge amount sof traffic to your landing pages constantly)
CLICK HERE to grab your PROMO CODES and over 100 FREE SOLO ADS on very high traffic sites.
Then follow the strategy in the video above to start creating traffic to the LeadsLeap CO-OP link when then generates points for you to use on advertising within LeadsLeap (Targeted Traffic)