Welcome to Crushing it With Crypto
Hi, and Welcome to Crushing It With Crypto - The training program which will show you how to earn FREE Crypto daily from mulitiple sites
SCROLL DOWN to watch the introduction video and also gain access to your free Crypto sites and promotional tools.
Create a system where you can have multiple sites accumulating crypto for you to use.
This course is a combination of video and links to the Crypto sites and I will let you know where to go and what to do to help you on your journey and ensure that your sites are set up correctly.
Please follow the instructions below to setup your crypto wallets and then work down the page and start joining the sites. Take your time in learning about each site and ensuring that you have set these up correctly with also your crypto wallet attached.
Then once you have completed the initial setup for these sites you can move onto Level 2 at the bottom of the page.
To download and set up your metamask which you can use for all payments CLICK HERE and follow all instructions.
Also TRUST WALLET is very renowned - CLICK HERE to set up your wallet. You can add both wallets to your Chrome browser or simply download them to your phone.
You will need to understand how to use these wallets, if you already do, fantastic. Please ensure for each of the programs below you add your wallet details to ensure that you get paid.
If you are a beginner then please visit a Metamask set up video by clicking HERE.
For a how to use Metamask to receive funds please check out the Metamask website: https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360028141672-Direct-deposit-receive-tokens-to-your-MetaMask-wallet
To learn how to install the Trust Wallet please watch the setp up video HERE.
Trust Wallet have a great help centre and if you scroll down the Trust Wallet site you will see this at the bottom of the page - CLICK HERE to be taken there directly.
You are NOW set up to start earning Crypto daily..
To earn more simply promote the SITE 5 affiliate link using the FREE CRYPTO BONUS DOWNLOAD where as you start to refer people you will start earning from each of these referrals when they are also active on these sites.
Before you move onto Level 2 check out the video below to see a BRAND NEW site which offers incredible promotions which you could use for your SITE 5 - The Simple Crypto Income Plan
You have just completed Level 1 of Crushing It With Crypto
Click the link below to progress to Level 2